Chapter 9 - Electric Forces and Electric Fields

It's those same

They just will
not go away!

Electrostatics Lab Activities Explained
Lessons on Electrostatics

Check out the Links.
What is this Sticky crap, anyway?

Electric Potential

Monkey Business


Lines of Electric Force

Coulomb's Law


Electric Circuit

      Insulators and Conductors

A good source

Will the electrons move from my hand to the door or the other way around? Why?

Physics Classroom
Watch the House get zapped!
How does Lightning relate to electrostatics?
A cool Flash

Uses for Superconductors
The Discovery of Superconductivity
            Household Use of Electric Energy



        Action Potential

The majority of all action potentials are generated in the axon hillock. However in sensory neurons the action potential is generated by the peripheral (axonal) process, just proximal to the receptor region. These areas are also known as the trigger regions. An action potential is generated due to membrane potential reaching threshold due to a graded potential. Threshold is a membrane potential at which the membrane in the trigger region reaches approximately -55mV, a depolarization of about 15 mV. At this point action potentials become self propagating. This means that one action potential automatically triggers the neghboring membrane areas into producing an action potential. Thus once threshold is reached action potentials always propagate down the axon to the synaptic or secretory regions of the axon. The actual process of the action potential generation occurs in four steps, consecutive, but overlapping. These steps are all opening and/or closing of ion gates, and subsequent changes in membrane potentials.
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