H SDSU Physics 180B
Spring PodCast Debate 2006
Space Exploration - That mankind should not invest in the exploration of space.
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There are two main camps in the space debate. Space is a waste of money, say those who believe government can solve our earthly woes. But the space haters aren't just hankering for NASA's money. Many believe space exploration serves no useful purpose. So we find a fossilized microbe on Mars, they ask. So what?
Space lovers, in contrast, are a hopeful lot. They seek to conquer space for sheer glory's sake. And space-o-philes don't just crave evidence of life; they intend the colonization of space to remake human society. Space lovers even expect to save the world — by giving humans a new home in case a stray asteroid, or ecological disaster, threaten Earth. Dreams like this keep the space lovers going. Stanley Kurtz
"People say we spend so much money on Mars and not on our own planet, but we'll be able to find things on Mars which will help us learn more about what our planet's all about and perhaps our future."
Dan Crowley
      The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a telescope in orbit around the Earth. Its position outside the Earth's atmosphere allows it to take sharp optical images of very faint objects, and since its launch in 1990, it has become one of the most important telescopes in the history of astronomy. It has been responsible for many ground-breaking observations and has helped astronomers achieve a better understanding of many fundamental problems in astrophysics. Hubble's Ultra Deep Field is the deepest (most sensitive) astronomical optical image ever taken. Wikipedia    
        Another shuttle critic is former NASA historian Alex Roland, now a professor at Duke University in North Carolina. He argues that the shuttle program has been more expensive, more dangerous and less productive than was promised when it began more than 20 years ago. He told NBC television that space agency officials also ignored some of the warnings about shuttle safety contained in a report on the Challenger explosion.
    I’m going to start with a big negative and get it out of the way. Two of the 114 shuttle missions ended in catastrophe with the loss of fourteen people. Losing fourteen people who were very important to their families and friends in addition to being important to the whole human race in such an unexpected way is horrible and tragic. Such losses, though, are also part of life. A few days ago as I was sitting at my desk at the end of the day, I heard several sirens from police cars racing past my building. I looked out the window to see a freight train at a dead stop at a street crossing a couple hundred meters away. A man walking his dog lost control of his pet; chasing after it, he was killed instantly on the crossing. I’m sure he was as important to his family and friends as the fallen astronauts were. My point is that as bad as the deaths of fourteen astronauts are, sudden unexpected deaths happen all the time. It just doesn’t get the notoriety that shuttle accidents do. Life must and does go on. Eric Hedman  
1- Space Exploration

The Copernicans
The Explorers

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Debate Scoring and Rules
Debate PodCast wav
Recording Instructions

a. Practice with a short recording to make sure everyone can be heard clearly.
b. Place the recorder in the middle of the debaters and begin recording the debate.
c. Don't pause the recorder or stop the recording. Let the recording continue for the entirety of the debate.
d. After you are finished recording the debate. Stop it and Lock it for safety.

Example Debate Form 1,2,3
Only 32 students can evaluate this debate.

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2- Space Exploration
The Space Invaders

The Space invaders

Alma Nicole
       Take more pictures of the debate.
Send them to me. Thanks 
Alex Alexa
Jessica Priscilla
Julie Kat
Debate Scoring and Rules
Debate PodCast--> wmv

Recording Instructions

a. Practice with a short recording to make sure everyone can be heard clearly.
b. Place the recorder in the middle of the debaters and begin recording the debate.
c. Don't pause the recorder or stop the recording. Let the recording continue for the entirety of the debate.
d. After you are finished recording the debate. Stop it and Lock it for safety.
Example Debate Form 1,2,3

Only 32 students can evaluate this debate.

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