One Dimensional Motion
Position, Velocity and Speed
The motion of a particle is completely known
if the particle's position in space is known at all times.
Position -Time Graph
A vector: The displacement of a particle is defined as its change in position
in some time interval.
A Scalar: Distance is the length of a path followed by a particle.

The average speed of a particle is defined as the particle's displacement divided by the time interval.

On the diagram, the average velocity is the slope of the line connecting the two points of interest.

Serway's Active Figures
  Instantaneous Velocity and Speed
The velocity at one point
Mechanical Universe - The Law of Falling Bodies
Motion I, II, III
The Instantaneous acceleration is the
limit of the average acceleration
as the change in t approaches zero.
The average acceleration of the particle is defined as the change in the velocity divied by the time interval during which the change occurs.
Serway Active Figures
Mechanical Universe - The Monkey Problem
  Kinematic Equations
derived from Calculus
Quick Quiz Chapter 2