Coordinated Science Committee
Matrix for Teachers
Tony DiMauro

     To use this matrix, you can design the left hand side as you wish. The Earth, Life and Physical Science Framework components need to be addressed. Using this matrix you will be able demonstrate both Integration and Spiraling of the framework components. If one designs accurately, the Integration and Spiraling numbers will grow both right and down, respectively.The Framework components are at the bottom. Click on Matrix to see a larger document.

District Framework Statements derived from
California State ScienceFramework

Earth Science
1. The universe consists of many different kinds of objects made of the same kinds of matter that obey the same
laws of nature.
2. Tectonic processes such as plate movements and mountain building have shaped the evolution of the earth.
3. Rocks and minerals are classified according to how they are formed and their chemical and physical properties.
4. Because of humans far-reaching interactions with the biosphere, they have both a responsibility and vested
interest in maintaining natural resources.
5. The geology, evolution and life forms of the ocean are a unique feature of earth.
6. Ocean water circulates by a variety of methods which affect weather and climate.
7. Because of humans far-reaching interactions with the biosphere, they have both a responsibility and vested
interest in maintaining oceans.
8. Energy (light, heat) is the physical basis of the earth’s climate and weather.
9. Weather and climate are determined by various large scale and small scale phenomena.
10. Scientific observations have shown that the universe is evolving.
11. The contents and structure of the universe are revealed by observational data and theoretical models.
12. The rock, water. and the nutrient cycles of soils have determined the history and resources of the earth.
13. The water cycle affects the climate, weather, life, and surface features of the earth.
14. Because of the significant effect of weather on the biosphere, humans attempt to predict and alter the weather.

Life Science
1. All living things have the sane genetic structure and life processes.
2. Different organisms have different ways and systems to obtain metabolic energy.
3. Basic life processes are biochemical, mediated by enzymes, and help maintain homeostasis.
4. Organisms are classified by shared derived characteristics which can be used to show evolutionary relationships.
5. Because of humans far-reaching interactions with the biosphere, they have both a responsibility and vested
interest in maintaining natural ecosystems.
6. Evolution has many component patterns and processes such as speciation, natural selection of adaptation.
7. Specific biochem reactions are related to specific cell structures.
8. Biochemistry of genetics and laws of heredity.
9. Ecosystems are systems in which organisms compete for finite resources in the environment thereby interacting
and producing far-reaching consequences.
10. Ecosystems are characterized by bio-geo-chemical cycles.
11. Care of the biosphere and advances in biotechnology involve ethical considerations for individuals and society.

Physical Science
1. Gravitation, electric and nuclear forces each have unique characteristics and can affect motion.
2. The complex interactions among the atomic or molecular units of a substance determine its large scale behavior.
3. Velocity, acceleration, circular and wave motion affect the position of matter.
4. Work, force, distance, and power affect the efficiency of a machine.
5. Humans can harness/manipulate different forms of energy to do work.
6. Sound is wave movement in matter.
7. Sound enables organisms to communicate, respond, and monitor the environment.
8. Light is a small fraction of electromagnetic energy which exhibits a particle and wave nature.
9. The speed of light is constant in a vacuum and its frequency is equal to the speed divided by the wavelength.
10. Light is used to communicate, produce electricity, and ha medical and industrial applications.
11. The structure of matter at the atomic and subatomic levels, helps us understand the properties of matter and
reconstruct the history of the universe.
12. Repeat of 2
13. During chemical and nuclear reactions, there are measurable changes in the structure of matter and energy
14. The nature of the reactants and kinetics control the chemical reaction.
15. Chemical energy is the electrical potential energy associated with the configurations of electrons, and can change
in chemical reactions.
16. Heat energy, measured by the absolute temperature scale, contributes to the entropy of a system.
17. Electricity and magnetism are components of the electromagnetic force whose properties can be mathematically
18. Electromagnetic technological advances include microchip computers, photocopiers, and superconducting magnets.

Santana High School
Coordinated Science Adoption
Two Years (four semesters)
Tony DiMauro

Santana High School
Coordinated Science Matrix
Two Years (four semesters)
Tony DiMauro