H SDSU Physics 180B
Spring PodCast Debate 2006
Intelligent Design – Based on scientific research –That Intelligent Design is not a scientific theory and should not be taught as science in science classes.
              The idea that an organism's complexity is evidence for the existence of a cosmic designer was advanced centuries before Charles Darwin was born. Its best-known exponent was English theologian William Paley, creator of the famous watchmaker analogy. If we find a pocket watch in a field, Paley wrote in 1802, we immediately infer that it was produced not by natural processes acting blindly but by a designing human intellect. Likewise, he reasoned, the natural world contains abundant evidence of a supernatural creator. The argument from design, as it is known, prevailed as an explanation of the natural world until the publication of the Origin of Species in 1859. The weight of the evidence that Darwin had patiently gathered swiftly convinced scientists that evolution by natural selection better explained life's complexity and diversity. "I cannot possibly believe," wrote Darwin in 1868, "that a false theory would explain so many classes of facts."(more)        
Irreducibly complex systems appear very unlikely to be produced by numerous, successive, slight modifications of prior systems, because any precursor that was missing a crucial part could not function. Natural selection can only choose among systems that are already working, so the existence in nature of irreducibly complex biological systems poses a powerful challenge to Darwinian theory. We frequently observe such systems in cell organelles, in which the removal of one element would cause the whole system to cease functioning. --Michael Behe  
To explain the origin of the DNA/protein machine by invoking a supernatural Designer is to explain precisely nothing, for it leaves unexplained the origin of the Designer. You have to say something like 'God was always there', and if you allow yourself that kind of lazy way out, you might as well just say 'DNA was always there', or "Life was always there', and be done with it. --Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker
              There is no lab experiment relevant to determining whether God exists.          
ID isn't scientific and it isn't an alternative to natural selection or any other scientific idea. The universe would appear the same to us whether it was designed by God or not. Science tries to explain how the world works, not why we have this world rather than some other world. It is not part of science to try to prove the world was or was not designed by God.  
  Whether ID is Science isn't Semantics:  
  The Discovery Institute  
        "Our work demonstrates a fundamental error in the current challenges to Darwinism," said Thornton. "New techniques allowed us to see how ancient genes and their functions evolved hundreds of millions of years ago. We found that complexity evolved piecemeal through a process of Molecular Exploitation—old genes, constrained by selection for entirely different functions, have been recruited by evolution to participate in new interactions and new functions." (more)  
1- Intelligent Design
Team Yahoo

Team Yahoo
Team Google

Team Google
Debate Scoring and Rules
Debate PodCast ---> wmv
Recording Instructions

a. Practice with a short recording to make sure everyone can be heard clearly.
b. Place the recorder in the middle of the debaters and begin recording the debate.
c. Don't pause the recorder or stop the recording. Let the recording continue for the entirety of the debate.
d. After you are finished recording the debate. Stop it and Lock it for safety.

Example Debate Form 1,2,3
Only 32 students can evaluate this debate.

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 2- Intelligent Design
The Step Ups
The Step Ups
Fan Physics 4

Fan Physics 4

Joelle   Emma

Brett James 
Andrew Melissa 
Steve Anel 
Debate Scoring and Rules
PodCast-->part1, part2

Recording Instructions

a. Practice with a short recording to make sure everyone can be heard clearly.
b. Place the recorder in the middle of the debaters and begin recording the debate.
c. Don't pause the recorder or stop the recording. Let the recording continue for the entirety of the debate.
d. After you are finished recording the debate. Stop it and Lock it for safety.
Example Debate Form 1,2,3
Only 32 students can evaluate this debate.

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