H H Physics 195 - Fall 2007
updated: January 21, 2008 0:35 AM
Practice Problems and Questions

Chapter 1
Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions

A) How were the standards for mass and length derived?
B) Using every power of ten prefix develop an equation that will equal 1000.
C) Write an Order of Magnitude Problem (Fermi problem.)
D) Why are significant figures important? Give a good example.

E) What is a Scientific Theory?

Examples: 1, 2
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Student Examples 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
More Examples 1,2,3,4

Homework Problem Template

Testing and Grading Procedures
Pep Talk and Strategy

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WebAssign Problems: I assigned lots of problems. Complete enough problems on each assignment to total 50 points. If you have difficulty with a problem, move-on. Each homework assignment is worth 10 class points. So, each homework assignment done on WebAssign is worth 1.3% of your grade! (A total of 16% for all 12 assignments). Remember, the idea here is to help develop understanding of problem solving. I am giving credit to encourage you to do your homework. So please make good use of this homework management system. Thanks.

Chapter 2
Motion in One Dimension
Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions
A) What is the difference between average velocity and instantaneous velocity. Give examples.
B) Explain Galileo's anvil and hammer thought experiment.
Why does this thought experiment help scientists understand physical systems?
C) Do conceptual example 2.11. Explain the diagrams.
Derive the motion equations.Explain your work. Draw Diagrams.

Student Examples 1,2b,3,4

Practice #1 example answers 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b

Homework Problem Template

WebAssign Chat Page

Chapter 3
Sections 1,2,3,4
All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions
A) What is trigonometry and why is it used in physics?
B) There are two notations of a vector, explain them both. Why do both have advantages.
C) Do example 3.6
D) Which equations are the most important in this chapter on Vectors?

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Chapter 4
Motion in Two Dimensions
Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6

All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions
A) Explain figure 4.5.
B) Explain figure 4.8 and shooting the monkey.
C) Derive the Horizontal Range and Height equations.
D) Derive the centripetal acceleration equation.

WebAssign Chat Page

Test 1- Tue. Sept. 25, 2007
no programmable calculators

Chapter 5
The Laws of Motion
Sections 1,2,3,4,5
All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions
A) What is an Inertial Frame of Reference? Why are they necesary?
B) Why are Freebody Diagrams as important as a regular diagram?
C) Explain figure 5.16
D) Explain the AntiLock Braking System.


Homework Problem Template

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Chapter 6
Circular Motion and Gravitation
Sections 1,2,3

All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions
A) Do example 6.2 The Conical Pendulum.
B) Explain example 6.6 and the forces on the astronaut.
C) What are fictitious forces and why do they exist?
D) Derive and explain equation 6.9


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Chapter 7
Energy and Energy Transfer
Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions
A) Explain Figure 7.7
B) Explain Figure 7.10
C) Derive the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem
D) Summarize section 7.6. How is energy stored in a system? And, how is energy tranferred into a system?

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Chapter 8
Potential Energy
Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6
All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions
A) Explain the Conservation of Mech. Energy for an Isolated system. How can we use this in solving problems?
B) Solve and Explain Example 8.3
C) Derive and Explain equation 8.18
D) Explain the Energy Diagrams in figures 8.16 and 8.17.

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Chapter 9
Linear Momentum
Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions
A) Why is equation 9.3 more general than F=ma?
B) Derive equations 9.20 and 9.21.
C) Explain in words how one solves a two dimensional elastic collision problem.
D) Answer question 29

WebAssign Chat Page

Test 2- Tue Nov. 6, 2007
no programmable calculators

Chapter 10
Rotation of a Rigid Object

Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions
A) What is the moment of Inertia?
B) Explain Table 10.3
C) Explain equation 10.28.
D) Answer question 24

WebAssign Chat Page

Chapter 11
Angular Momentum
Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6
All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions
A) Derive and explain equation 11.11
B) Do example 11.6

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Chapter 12
Static Equilibrium
Sections 1,2,3,4
All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions
A) Do example 12.2
B) Do example12.3
C) Do example12.4
D) Do example12.5

WebAssign Chat Page

Chapter 13
Universal Gravitational
Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions
A) How did Geologists and Physicsits figure out the density of the Earth? Who waas right? Derive their caculations.
B) Using Kepler’s 3rd Law, calculate the mass of the Milky Way Galaxy.
C) Explain Figure 13.13
D) What are Black Holes?

WebAssign Chat Page

Chapter 15
Oscillatory Motion
Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

All answers require: Accurate Diagrams, Logical Reasoning, Complete Solutions

My Questions


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Test 3 - Tue. Dec. 11, 2007
(10:30-12:30 am)

no programmable calculators

    Your First Personal Audio Recording

This is your first attempt at articulating who you are, what you know and what you have learned.
This recording will be put on the web next to your name in your group.
This assignment will allow you to compare your ability to articulate and compare yourself with your classmates.

What do I talk about?

What is your name? Where are you from? What is you major? Why are you taking Physics? Why is Physics important to you, your future and to your intellectual growth? What is the purpose of the problem-solving method, that Tony repeatedly reinforces?
Do you like college? What do you expect from college? e due on Friday. Tell me about yourself. Why are you taking Physics 195? What are your career plans? Why does Tony require us to explain the problems? What is the purpose of diagramming the problems? Why do you want to excel in this class? Try to be moe interesting than you really are. . .ha! There are no correct answers.

This is a positive recording. Have fun with it. If you need to see me, do so.

Use an outline. Please do not read word-for-word. Try to sound like you are talking directly to someone.
Reminder, your recording should be at least 5 minutes long. Imagine that you are being asked questions
by an interviewer who wants to hire you or admit you to their Graduate School or Medical School!

Audios less than 5 minutes will get 50% of the points!

How do I record it?

How to record your voice. . .
A. You can use the PC's recorder. Instructions
B. There is a good voice recorder for Windows at Audio Recorder
C. How to use the sound recorder on Windows 2000, sound recorder on Windows XP, thanks Joe.
D. Save it in mp3 format, please!
E. Save your file:
audio file name:
example: 195_Daisies_DiMauro_r1

Make sure that you record it correctly. If I can't hear it, then you don't get credit.
Test it out, first. Make sure you are recording correctly.
It should not be larger than 12 megabytes!
Set your parameters in your recording software.

Where do I send my audio file?

Email your audio file to me.

email to: tdimauro@gmail.com
Please name your file correctly. I will take off 5 points for any wrongly named audio file!

Example-HW Front Page

1) Diagrams are not for show! Diagrams help you communicate what you know about the problem at hand. Draw them carefully. Label any parameters. Be neat and concise. Your diagram should be first.
2) You must explain some steps in your solution. I do not need you to explain algebraic manipulations. Why did you set something equal to zero? Why is the momentum before = zero. Why is it possible to set the KE before = PE after, etc.
Be concise. Do not be wordy. I do not need paragraphs of useless information.
3) Your solutions should start from the basic physics principle not from a derived equation. You can leave some algebra steps out but not the important ones. I do not need definitions for the Cons. Laws.
4) I suggest that you use a little color. Ex.1,2,3
5) Most important: Please keep all solutions to one page. If you can fit two solutions on one page. . .good.
Do not start a solution on one page and end on another page.
6) Work the problem out on scratch paper then transfer it to a clean piece of paper. Do this for all your problems.
This is a good way to clear up any mistakes and it will help you study for the test.
7) Solving problems from first principles is a process. You are trying to communicate your
understanding of the observed patterns in nature.
This is not hard. Read the book, follow the examples, and apply your skills.

On the Quiz, I will be giving points for your diagram,
points for your solution, and points for your reasoning and explanation.